I have defined our style as "Natural Floral Landscape" work. When someone praises my designs as looking like walking through a flowery meadow, I couldn't be more pleased. But these designs require fragility, long stem lengths, and sometimes flowers that are more ephemeral (shorter-lasting). Big, corporate farms that ship their product to another country aren't able to provide any of those three qualities - the product would be crushed or die in transit. Further, there is a farm-to-table phrase that I always think of: "what grows together, goes together".
There are a hundred mini-cycles within a growing season, and yet somehow, the things blooming in the same week just happen to complement the other things in the field at that moment in time. I don't feel that the mid-2000's trend of "Garden Style" really captures what my aesthetic is about, with it's dominance of garden roses and peonies and dahlias. My work brings in more of the grasses, the greenery, the branches, the sweetpea tendrils and vines that sway in a Summer breeze. It's not an English Garden chock full of blowsy blooms, it's more like a clearing in the woods during Peak Bloom...a Natural Floral Landscape, if you will.